medical warning label place holder here

because it wondt let me put placehoder whatever

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Things I Blog (or Reblog) About: a handy guide for all 2 of you that are likely to read this blog...

Animals, especially...
    Exotic Pets, especially...
         Turtles and Tortoises
         Rodents, especially...
         Arthropods, especially...
              Hermit Crabs
              Pill Bugs
              Mantids and Stick Insects
              Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
              Sea Monkeys aka: Brine Shrimp
        Lizards, especially...
              Bearded Dragons
              Leopard Geckos
         Amphibians, especially...
              Frogs and Toads
              Salamanders and Newts, especially...
  Not So Exotic Pets, especially...
          Dogs, especially...
               Service Dogs
Disability, especially...
    Invisible ones, especially...
        Mental Illness, especially...
             Depression, especially...
                  Suicide Prevention
             Anxiety Disorders, especially...
                  Social Anxiety
                  Coping strategies for panic attacks
             ADD and ADHD
             Eating Disorders
             Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness
        "Spoonie" problems/Chronic Pain, especially...
             Chronic Migraines
          Stomach Stuff
        Seizure and Balance Disorders, especially...
              Essential Tremors
              Intention Tremors
              Atypical Migraine
              Ear Derangement
Body Acceptance and Health, especially...
    Gorgeous or Talented People who are Plus Size
    Health > Size
    My Gastric Bypass, especially...
    Goals I Have to be My Best Self
    Medications and other Things I Need to Do Better on!
Fandoms a Plenty! Especially...
    Doctor Who
    Star Trek
    Orphan Black
    Parks and Rec
    Disney, especially...
         Lilo & Stitch
         Beauty and the Beast
         Big Hero 6
         Finding Memo
         Toy Story
    Harry Potter
    Hunger Games
    Series of Unfortunate Events
Equality and Rights, especially in regards to...
    Sex or Gender Identity, especially...
         Fighting the Rape Culture
    Religious Beliefs (or Lack Thereof)
    Racial Equality, especially...
         Representation in Literature and Film
    Economic Classes, especially...
         Helping the Poor
Religion, especially...
    Christianity, especially...
         Being Mormon (a member of the Church of Jesus
         Christ of Latter-day Saints)
     Understanding Between Various Faiths
Hobbies, especially...
    Dolls, especially...
     Art of all kinds
    Anything Steampunk, especially...
         Art and Mods
         Fashion and Cosplay

  (Is this what the kids these days are calling "aesthetic?")